3 Types of Landlord Insurance Policies That Are a Must-Have

3 Types of Landlord Insurance Policies That Are a Must-Have

Managing risk is a huge piece of the puzzle when you're a landlord. Insurance is a foundational thing to invest in to make sure that you're covered whenever worst-case scenarios rear their head.

About 70% of rental properties are owned by an individual real estate investor. If this is you, it's important that you look for the best insurance plans you can find.

The points in this article will teach you what to look for when you need landlord insurance.

1. A Property Insurance Plan

When you're trying to do what's best for your rental property, make sure that you start with getting a quality property insurance plan. This is a type of insurance plan that will cover you for any damage done to the structure and interior.

An insurer can offer you a plan that can protect you against flooding, storm damage, plumbing backups, and other sort of fiascos. Knowing that you have this sort of property insurance plan in place will allow you to get emergency repairs whenever the need arises.

This can cover you for upgrades and renovations that come about, in addition to money to replace furniture and fixtures.

2. A Liability Insurance Plan

There are several liabilities in play when you're a landlord. Having access to this type of insurance will protect you in the event that you are at fault for some sort of damage or injury.

This can include things like having a loose handrail or other such property failure that causes injuries. Lawsuits are expensive and can cause you to go in the red with your property. Having a thorough liability insurance plan gives you the chance to handle business without coming out of pocket.

3. Lost Income Insurance

Keep in mind that there are also different instances in which your property can't generate income. This can include things like weather emergencies, downturns in business, property permit inspection failure, and other circumstances. It's vital that landlords have insurance coverage to make up for these gaps whenever they come along.

With these insurance plans, you will receive payments to cover your losses so that you can buy time to right the course.

Working with a property management company can help you mitigate these sorts of factors. They'll also help you figure out how to recoup what you've lost in the event of an emergency. These professionals often have mitigation game plans and strategies in place that landlords can turn to.

Buy the Right Landlord Insurance

The tips in this article will help you out when you're shopping for a landlord insurance plan. As you can see, having access to the right insurance plans will keep you in business with real estate that is thriving. Follow these words of advice and don't hesitate to get professional help for your real estate investment.

PMI Daytona Flagler can assist you when you're looking for landlord advice, risk management, property insurance, and other services that will help you get the most from your rental property. To get started, contact us online or by calling 386-225-4943.
